Thursday, September 25, 2008

Letter 'A' ideas!

In case you didn't see the link to this blog on our sidebar...

Glimpse of Sonshine has a great post about making letter lapbooks with her preschooler for the letter 'A' this week!

I really like this idea and since my son is wild about "reading" things...this is probably a good way for us to learn the letters.

Share your ideas for learning the letters -- leave a comment or send us an e-mail to


Shynea @ Penny Pinching Diva said...

First of all, I would like to say that I think that this is a great idea. The fact that you are putting together a blog about homeschooling your preschooler. I have been both a preschool teacher in a daycare center, and also a preschool teacher at my own daycare center, and the ages of 3-5 is my favorite age range.

One thing that worked for me really well was letter boxes. And I created these out of the many diaper wipe containers that I had. I would print out the letter and laminate it to the front of the box. Then I would fill the box with small objects that begin with each letter. The objects have to be familiar to the children.

Everyday during circle time, we would pass the box around and each child would pull out one thing and say what it was. For example. "Apple. A. A. Apple." (The letter A represents the sound the letter A makes. If that makes any sense.)

I hope that this suggestion helps.