Thursday, September 11, 2008

What are we doing here?

As you might have read on one of our other blogs, we have decided (for many reasons) not to enroll our three-year olds in preschool this year.

Instead, we will be instructing them at home. For many of you that may seem totally normal and for others, completely the opposite!

For many families, preschool is an expense that is just too great, class times do not work well with the family's work schedule or there is no preschool in the area that offers the type of education they are looking for.

Chrissy and I also believe that as parents, given the resources and support necessary, we are better equipped to teach our young children than anyone else!

This blog is part resource, part support, part progress report!

If at any time you have constructive criticism, suggestions or ideas to add, feel free to do so.

If you disagree with our education style or wish to unconstructively criticize our methods, please still feel free to do so...quietly and to yourself!


Anonymous said...

WHAT A BLESSING! I have been getting you BECENTSABLE email and saw this new blog! What an answer to prayer too!! As just today I visited the public school preschool in my area and found out I don't qualify. Which I have been praying about what I need to do with my 3 year old. He is in a Mother's Day Out program that I am not quite sure I am as confident with anymore. Should I take him out??? But I have a three month old too and have enjoyed the alone time to bond with him. Decisions, decisions!!!

Samantha said...

I am not a fan of sending young children to preschool so I am so excited about your new blog! A couple books I have found helpful are "Mommy teach me" and "mommy teach me to read".

MamaDuck76 said...

Oh, how neat! I'm so glad to have found this website. My little guy isn't yet old enough, but I look forward to homeschooling when the time comes. I've already bookmarked this page & plan to check it often. Thanks for the efforts to help others as your begin this preschool journey!

One other site that I enjoy, although more formal/structured, is Maybe you can find some resources or ideas there.
